All-in-one Rewards : loyalty, sponsorship, affiliation and more...

Our module has been voted "Best module for customers loyalty" during Prestashop Awards in 2015, 2017, 2020 and 2022. It is in the top 10 bestsellers since more than 10 years.

This prestashop module allows your customers to earn rewards while developing SEO and reputation of your shop: advanced loyalty program, sponsorship program (multi-level, self-promotional), affiliation...

In addition, the rewards are all grouped into a single account!

Last version : 6.1.4
Compatibility : 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 8.x
Available translations : FR EN ES IT PL PT SE

A version compatible with Prestashop 1.2.5, 1.3.x, 1.4.x is also available. Please contact us if you are interested.

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199,00 €tax excl.

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Get tons of new customers and increase your brand reputation thanks to the All-in-one Rewards module !

This prestashop module allows to set up a complete system of rewards in your shop to increase SEO and reputation thanks to the virality of the system, and to follow very precisely the performance.

More customers are talking about your site, more they earns in return.
No multiplication of coupons, no more multiple interfaces, now everything is centralized in a single account, the "Rewards Account", and the customer can check its balance at any time.

Specifically, the module now includes the single account system, an advanced loyalty program and a highly configurable sponsorship/affiliation program.
You can now customize almost all settings per customer. That means a customer can be rewarded with a percentage for loyalty while another one is rewarded product per product, or a sponsor can get 5% on all the orders of his friends and the friends get 10€ welcome voucher while another one get 3% and his friends get 5€.

Now let's see in details what it is inside. The list below is not exhaustive!

"Rewards Account"
How it works : the customer get rewards for its actions on the site (purchases, sponsorships ...), and rewards accumulates in the rewards account. When desired, he can use its reward to buy products or get a discount on his next order, depending on the settings of the module.
If you're using the system for affiliation, the customers can decide to transform the rewards into a real payment instead of a voucher.

Main features :

  • Ability to create different templates for the settings and to link customers to those templates to customize the rules independently per customer.
  • Ability to choose between using "points" or real money for the rewards, and set the name you want for the "points"
  • Choice of the status of the order in which rewards are validated or cancelled.
  • Customizable labels for displaying the status of rewards in the customer account.
  • Blocking rewards as the legal deadline for the return of products is not exceeded.
  • Ability to limit the validity of the unused rewards in the rewards account (in days). They will be automatically canceled after that delay.
  • Gifts features : You can easily create a gifts products list for your rewards program. Your customers will be able to buy products directly with their rewards from the product page, or the products lists pages, without having to transform them into vouchers first. You can decide exactly which products (even combinations !!!) can be bought with the rewards, and if they can also be bought normally or not.
  • Settings for vouchers generated to buy the gift product.
  • Choice of the minimum required in the rewards account, the minimum number of orders, and of the customers group allowed to transform rewards into vouchers
  • Settings for vouchers generated from the rewards account.
  • Affiliation: choice of the minimum required in the rewards account, the minimum number of orders, and of the customers group allowed to ask for payments.
  • Affiliation: ability to apply a conversion rate for payments (ex: if 75%, 100€ rewards will give 75% payment in cash) and to choose if an invoice is required.
  • Ability to add or modify the rewards directly from the customer's account in the back-end.
  • Reminder email with available amount in the rewards account can be automatically sent. You can choose the minimum required in account, and the emails frequency. You can deactivate the reminder mail for a customer from his profile in admin or it can be deactivated by the customer himself from his customer account.
  • All amounts in the module's settings can be converted in the different currencies by simply clicking the button next to each field.
  • Complete statistics with details by status, types and customers
  • Tab allowing to manage all pending payment requests


Loyalty program
How it works
: The customer get a reward based on the total price of his purchases (shipping and coupons deducted). The amount of the reward is displayed in the product page and in the cart summary. There is 3 possibilities for the calculation of the reward.

Example 1
: Every 10€ spent on the shop, the customer get 1€
For a product which price is 58€, the client will get 5€ reward.
For a product which price is 8€, the customer will not get a reward.

Example 2 : The reward is 5% of the total
For a product which price is 58€, the client will get 2,9€ reward.

Example 3 : Product A which price is 100€ gives 2% reward. Product B gives 1€. Product C gives no reward.
For an order containing 1 product A + 1 product B + 1 product C, the client will get 3€ rewards.

Main features :

  • Ability to create different templates for the settings and to link customers to those templates to customize the rules independantly per customer.
  • Automatic import of data from the "old" loyalty modules. Automatic deactivation of these modules.
  • Activation or deactivation of the loyalty program per customer.
  • 3 possibilities for the calculation of the reward : by range, % of the cart, or product by product.
  • Option to choose if the reward will be calculated based on the order/products amount VAT included or VAT excluded
  • Management of the categories of products eligible for loyalty rewards (if by range or % of the cart)
  • Ability to customize the rewards per date for each product (if reward product per product)
  • Ability to give a default reward for all products (fixed amount or percentage of their price) so you don't have to modify all your products (if reward product per product)
  • Ability to apply a multiplicator if you want for example to double all the rewards in a given period without modifying all the products (if reward product per product).
  • Option allowing to not accounting special offers in the calculation of the total.
  • Send email to the customer on validation, modification (product removed from the order), or cancellation of the reward.
  • Management of the groups of clients eligible for loyalty rewards
  • The reward can be displayed in the PDF invoice
  • Complete statistics with details by status and customers


Sponsorship program / Affiliation
How it works
: The customer invites his friends to discover the shop. They register on the shop and possibly receive a coupon valid on their first purchase. When placing an order on the site that it is validated, the sponsor will receive his reward. Sponsorship on several levels is possible, and a reward may be awarded for all purchases of referrals, not just the first one.
The sponsor can also be rewarded independantly for the subscription of his friends.

Main features :

  • Ability to create different templates for the settings and to link customers to those templates to customize the rules independantly per customer.
  • Automatic import of data from the "old" modules: referralprogram, or advancedreferralprogram. Automatic deactivation of these modules.
  • Activation or deactivation of the sponsorship program per customer.
  • 7 ways to invite his friends : sponsorship link (for blogs, forums...), special Facebook, Twitter or google +1 link, email invitation (with custom message), or simply giving its email address or sponsor code to enter on the registration form<.
  • Ability for the sponsor to know also the exact sponsorship URL for a product
  • Option to choose the image, title and description that will be used on Facebook when a customer share his sponsorship link.
  • Sponsor code or email entered during registration process is verified in real time to avoid any error.
  • Option to choose the redirection of the sponsorship link (subscription form, CMS page or none)
  • Recognition of spontaneous inscriptions, without prior invitation.
  • Registration form pre-filled if the friend was invited by email.
  • Selection of customer groups allowed to become sponsors.
  • Multiple configuration options for the voucher of the sponsored friend, and in particular type: fixed reduction, percentage of the order or free shipping. You can decide which categories of products are allowed to use the voucher.
  • Ability to select an existing voucher as a model for the gift offered to the sponsored friend. That allows more possibilities : gift product, restrictions on carriers or products... as the standard cart rules.
  • Option to set the number of times the voucher can be used by the sponsored friend, and to choose if partial use is allowed.
  • Option to disable the voucher for sponsored friend, and option to disable the sponsor's reward.
  • The sponsor can receive a reward only for the first order of its friends, or for each of their orders.
  • Ability to limit the validity of the sponsorship with a customer (in days). The sponsor won't be rewarded anymore for that customer after that delay.
  • Reward with fixed amount, or as a percentage of the sponsored friend's order (shipping excluded), or product per product and by level, with the option of not taking into account the discounted products in the calculation of the total.
  • Option to choose if the reward will be calculated based on the order amount VAT included or VAT excluded
  • Minimum for the sponsored friend's order (you can choose if shipping is included or not) below which the sponsor does not receive a reward.
  • Automatically open a pop-in incentive for sponsorship after the checkout process.
  • Automatically open a pop-in incentive for sponsorship that opens every X days (adjustable).
  • Customizable texts, with support for HTML, for pop-in, the form of invitation in the customer's account, and the sponsorship program rules.
  • Multi-level sponsorship, with parameters defined by reward levels, and number of levels limited or unlimited.
  • Send email to the customer, sponsor(s) and admin on validation, modification or cancellation of the reward.
  • Ability to create a sponsorship and the welcome voucher directly from the customer's account in the back-end.
  • The sponsor code and his sponsorship URL are displayed in the customer profile in back-end
  • Ability to customize the sponsor code for each customer in back-end (5 to 20 characters, only digits and/or letters)
  • Complete statistics for both the customer and the administrator, with details by levels of sponsorship, channel registration...
  • Integration of the statistics in the customer profile and in the order's pages in the back office.
  • About the rewards on registration, ability to create an unlimited number of cumulative rules allowing to choose : the number of registrations to reach, the repetition frequency of the rule, and the reward value for the sponsor. Example : Rule #1, the sponsor gets 1€ every 5 registrations, until a maximum of 100 registrations. Rule #2, every 200 registrations he gets 5€, without any maximum.


Registration reward
How it works
: Encourage your customers to create an account by offering them a reward that they will receive immediately in their rewards account.

Main features :

  • Choice by currency of the amount to be offered to the customer.
  • Possibility to indicate if this reward is granted when the customer is sponsored.
  • Ability to enable or disable the sending of an email to the customer when generating the reward. 


Newsletter sign-up reward
How it works
: Encourage your customers to subscribe to your newsletter by offering them a reward that they will receive immediately in their rewards account.

Main features :

  • Choice by currency of the amount to be offered to the customer.
  • Ability to enable or disable the sending of an email to the customer when generating the reward. 

Additional features

  • Compatibility with Merlin Backoffice :
    Merlin Backoffice ® is an alternative to using the PrestaShop admin for all catalog management, thanks to a range of mass management features for products and categories. It now allows all of the All-in-one Rewards rewards defined by products to be displayed in a single table, and to change them instantly.
    Get 5% off for the purchase of Merlin Backoffice by registering via our partner link: Buy Merlin Backoffice



And in future releases

  • Many others ideas...


And it works... !
15000€ in only 2 months for : View the comment on the forum
2000€ in only 1 month for : View the comment on the forum
674926€ in 1 year : View the comment on the forum

Stay informed, follow us !
To be informed of developments, you can follow the discussion on the prestashop forum : All-in-one Rewards, on Facebook, or on Twitter

Changes history

Version 6.1.4 (2025/01/15) 

  • Correctly redirect to the rewards account or sponsorship program after authentication
  • No more blink for the loyalty reward in the product page
  • Sort by price now takes in account the custom price on the gift products list
  • a new "Share this link" button using the native browser's "share" feature, is now available in the sponsorship program and in the share popup in the product page
  • Various code improvements

Version 6.1.3 (2024/05/22) 

  • Fix error in admin when trying to use some other modules (Brevo for example)
  • Fix incorrect breadcrumb for reward and sponsorship page in the customer account
  • Fix pagination problem in the rewards history
  • Decreasing prices management have been improved in the loyalty message from the product page

Version 6.1.2 (2024/01/19) 

  • Fix possible installation problem on Prestashop 8.x
  • Fix a CSS rule that must be only applied to html tags displayed by the module
  • Fix minor bugs

Version 6.1.1 (2023/11/07) 

  • Better compatibility with Prestashop 8.x
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations

Version 6.1.0 (2023/08/31) 

  • Better compatibility with Prestashop 8.x and PHP 8
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations

Version 6.0.0 (2023/03/16) 

  • Compatibility with Prestashop 8.x and PHP 8
  • All HTML code for admin forms is now written in tpl files
  • New reward available for customer registration
  • New reward available for newsletter sign-up
  • The link to the gift products page is now displayed even if we don't have any rewards yet
  • Test that the firstname and lastname of the sponsored friend are not identical to the ones of the sponsor before accepting the sponsorship (prevents cheating)
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations

Version 5.2.0 (2021/09/15) 

  • Fix: installation problem
  • Fix: fully compatible with Prestashop 1.7.8.x
  • Fix: sponsorship code used in the voucher field was not recognized with Prestashop 1.5 or 1.6
  • Fix: it's now possible to modify the end date of a sponsorship in a sponsor profile
  • Fix: a lot a minor issues
  • New: The cron is now a controller, be carefull the URI has changed

Version 5.1.0 (2021/12/29) 

  • Fix : Tools tab was not working on Prestashop 1.6, and the "Delete module data" was not working properly
  • Fix : Reminder email is not send anymore to the "guest" accounts
  • Fix : Various improvments / fixes
  • New : new option allowing a customer to be sponsored many times, so you can now also change the sponsor on a customer account
  • New : new option allowing to detect the sponsor code if it is entered in the "Voucher code" field in the cart summary page
  • New : new option allowing to anonymize the sponsored friend information in the sponsor account, to respect the GDPR rules
  • Removed : Facebook "Like" reward has been removed, it wasn't working properly anymore

Version 5.0.1 (2021/03/31) 

  • Fix : installation in multi-store mode
  • Fix : for sponsorship voucher without code (without prefix)
  • Fix : for the gift product always added to the cart, even when gift products option was disabled
  • Fix : Better management of product returns and refunds
  • Fix : Various small issues and optimizations
  • New : The next expiration date and the amount concerned have been added to the reminder email
  • New : New "Mass update" and "Mass reset" features for the rewards defined on products

Version 5.0.0 (2021/01/12)

New features : General

- The module is compatible with Prestashop 1.7.7.x
- You need to register your license (order reference) to be able to use/activate the module. 1 license is valid for 1 domain (dev shops are allowed but require to be validated too)
- Mails are now using the "Modern" style (Prestashop 1.7.x)
- The product rewards (loyalty / sponsorship) can now be customized by TEMPLATE (so you can give a different reward for the same product to different customers)
- You can modify the expiration date on each reward from the customer profile in admin
- You can now link the customer groups to the templates of settings, so if you add a customer to a customer group, he will be automatically added to the template at the same time
- Better display for the loyalty text / facebook text in the product page and the cart summary
- All popups used by the module in front-end are now using a better display (fancybox)
- New "Tools" tab in admin, allowing to completely delete all data from the module (but not the configuration !). So if you need a reset after some tests, just try it.

New features : Rewards account
- You can convert the rewards into a voucher from the customer profile in admin, and choose the amount to use
- You can set a multiplier for the minimum order value, based on the voucher value generated from the rewards account (for example, if you have 10€ rewards in your account, and the multiplier is set to 3, then the minimum required will be 30€)
- You can now choose 3 ways to convert the rewards into vouchers : convert the total available (you can set a maximum), let the customer choose how much to convert (you can set a maximum), or display a dropdown list of predefined values
- You can now suggest your customer to use their rewards by displaying a text with a link to the rewards account into the cart summary
- You can have a cart containing only gift products with Prestashop 1.7.x
- You can set a specific price to pay with the rewards when buying a product as a gift product. This price can be different from the normal product price
- Gift products set as "Can't be bought normally" are now really impossible to add to the cart if they are not bought as gift products

New features : Sponsorship program
- You can modify the customer groups of the sponsored friend on registration
- The welcome voucher offered to the sponsored friend can now be automatically added to his cart on 1st purchase instead of sending it by email.
- In the "Sponsorship program" page, the preview of the mail now includes the custom text entered by the sponsor
- If a wrong sponsor code/email is entered in the registration form, the form can't be submitted

New features : Loyalty program
- The loyalty text on the product page now takes in account the "quantity" field. If you update the quantity, the text is updated
- You can limit the maximum reward given for each order
- You can now include or exclude the vouchers applied to the cart from the total used to calculate the reward (before, it was always deducted)
- You can choose to display/hide the loyalty text in the product page and in the cart summary
- The loyalty text displayed in the cart summary is now updated when the cart is modified


- Registration process has been improved for shops using the multistore feature
- CRON is now working correctly with Prestashop higher than 1.7.6
- CRON url is now using https if the shop is using https
- Display for customer profile in admin has been improved
- Responsive display for the front-end has been improved
- Loyalty message in the product page has been improved
- If an order uses a voucher that offer at the same time a discount and free shipping, the reward calculation was wrong
- Decreasing prices are now considered as promotions to calculate the rewards
- Some statistics values was wrong
- Access to the rewards account page in the customer account is allowed if the customer has some rewards history, even if he is not allowed to use loyalty or sponsorship anymore
- The "share" link for a product in sponsorship is now visible only if the sponsor has made the required number of orders.
- The option displayed in "My rewards account" page in front-end allowing to disable the reminder email is not visible anymore if the global option in admin is not activated
- Global improvement for the gift products feature
- Various minor issues

Version 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 (2020/01/07-09) 

  • Option to unsubscribe from periodic reminders
  • Management of an ignore list in admin allowing to enter emails or mask of emails which will never receive mail from the module
  • The reminder email, and the automatic unlocking of rewards only works on the current store (in case of multi-stores)
  • The rewards by product are now calculated for a unit and then multiplied by the quantity. Before the quantity was applied before rounding the result, which sometimes led to differences of a few cents.
  • Addition of the tag "og: url" for sharing the referral link on Facebook
  • Addition of Brazilian emails
  • Lots of various fixes

Version 4.1.5 (2019/04/08) 

  • Fix : no more JS error on product page with Prestashop > 1.7.4.x
  • Fix : better responsive design for tables in the rewards account and sponsorship page
  • Fix : best compatibility for popups
  • Fix : italian mail about rewards validation (after return period) was wrong
  • Fix : an inactive customer account can't be selected as a sponsor in the registration form
  • Fix : google+ can't be used anymore to invite people, Google has stopped this service
  • New : the mails are now translated in Portuguese
  • New : in the rewards account statistics, the amount of rewards used as voucher in new orders is now displayed
  • New : improved the customer rewards history in front and back-end with more information (order and voucher information)
  • New : the sponsor can now copy his link to clipboard when trying to share a product page
  • New : in the customer account, the "My rewards account" link is no more visible if the customer is not allowed for any kind of rewards (loyalty, sponsorship or facebook)
  • New : gift products are now ordered by ascendant prices by default

Version 4.1.4 (2018/09/11) 

  • Sponsorship vouchers in percentage (offered to the sponsored friend) are now limited to the products from the selected categories only
  • On prestashop 1.7, it wasn't possible to enter the sponsor code in the registration form from the cart summary, it has been fixed
  • The "live" Sponsor validation is now also available in the OPC registration form
  • Better compatibility with custom One Page Checkout module ("Module One Page Checkout PS" for example)
  • The sponsorship statistics don't include the shipping value anymore
  • When the rewrite rules were turned off on PS 1.7, the sponsorship popup couldn't be displayed due to a 404 error
  • Minor improvements

Version 4.1.3 (2018/05/24) 

  • Swedish and Canadian languages have been added.
  • An italian template of mail has been fixed
  • The cart is now correctly updated when buying a gift product with the rewards on prestashop 1.7.x
  • Some installation problems have been fixed on prestashop 1.7.x (some hooks could be missing)
  • Fix for 2 templates not perfectly compatible with prestashop 1.7.x
  • Minor improvements

Version 4.1.2 (2017/11/22) 

  • Fix for the attachment of the invoice to the mail sent to the admin when the customer ask for payment
  • Fix error on the registration form when the sponsorship program is turned off on prestashop 1.7.x
  • Compatiblity with old version of PHP
  • Better computation of the sponsorship statistics when using MLM
  • Fix for datepicker field on the product form in admin
  • Fix warning on the product page in front-end
  • Added Polish language

Version 4.1.1 (2017/05/31)

  • Fix for the gift products feature

Version 4.1.0 (2017/05/10) 

  • Compatiblity with Prestashop 1.7.x
  • New option to display the Facebook Like button on the Nav bar position

Version 4.0.1 (2017/05/10) 

  • Fix for the gift products feature
  • Fix for the Facebook API initialization
  • Fix on statistics, some customers where counted twice.
  • Some minor improvments

Version 4.0.0 (2016/12/26)  

  • Fix : The loyalty message on the product page appears only if the product is available for order.
  • Fix : Fix conflict with facebook API if it was already loaded by another module 
  • Fix : The minimum to unlock the sponsor reward now takes in account the VAT setting.
  • New : Gifts features : it's a new way to spend the rewards. You can easily create a gifts products list for your rewards program. Your customers will be able to buy products directly with their rewards from the product page, or the products lists pages, without having to transform them into vouchers first. You can decide exactly which products (even combinations !!!) can be bought with the rewards, and if they can also be bought normally or not.
  • New : Sponsorship rewards can now be customized product per product and level by level in the product sheet (just like loyalty rewards)
  • New : You can now decide a minimum of orders to make before being able to use the gift / voucher / payment features.
  • New : New display for the rewards account page in the customer account, there's now 3 tabs allowing to see totals & available vouchers, rewards history, and vouchers history
  • New : Statistics in admin are now using the shop context (you see statistics from the current shop)
  • New : Validity date is now saved on each reward, that means you can change it in the module settings at anytime, it won't affect the old rewards.
  • New : You can deactivate the reminder mail for a customer from his profile in admin
  • New : Italian translation is included
  • The old system (transform rewards into vouchers) is still here, but it can't be choosen at the same time with the gifts feature. Moreover, the choice of the categories is not possible anymore, this feature wasn't working correctly due to prestashop limitations.


Version 3.0.3 (2016/11/15) 
  • Fix : Sponsorship rewards from level 2 or more were displaying a wrong customer name
  • Fix : Sponsored firstname and lastname are now displayed in the revive emails 
  • Fix : No sponsorship reward could be granted for an order if a reward had already been given for the subscribtion of that friend
  • Fixes for various minor issues
  • New : In the rewards history, the reference of the order is now displayed instead of the ID


Version 3.0.2 (2016/09/01)

  • Fix bad notice message in admin
  • Various fixes for problems occuring when url rewriting is disabled
  • Sponsored firstname and lastname are now displayed in the invitation emails
  • Invoice uploaded by the customers can be other file type than pdf
  • Fixes for various minor issues


Version 3.0.1 (2016/04/20)

  • Fix for the currency conversion of the rewards at display in front-end
  • Fix for tabs not loading properly with some browsers on back-end
  • Fix for the loyalty message not displayed on the product page with SSL activated
  • Fixes for various minor issues
  • New tab allowing to manage the pending payments in the module settings
  • Ability to customize the title and the description displayed on Facebook when a sponsorship link is shared


Version 3.0.0 (2015/12/06)
Core of the module :

  • New option to choose between using "points" or real money for the rewards and set the name you want for the "points" (can be customized independantly for each template, that means both can be possible at the same time for different customers !)
  • New option allowing to select "All categories" in the module instead of checking all categories in the tree. This way, new categories created later will be automatically considered as active
  • New option allowing to add all customers from a group to a template of setting in just 1 click
  • If you add a product to an order from the back-end, all rewards are automatically updated
  • The templates of settings used for a customer are now displayed and can be modified directly from his profile in back-end
  • New option to activate or inactivate the display of the module in the left/right column from the theme configuration
  • Possibility to register your license of the module in order to ask for the new updates automatically (if you are eligible)
  • A lots of optimizations : loading time, categories tree, table in customer profiles are now sortable with filters and pagination, spanish translation (not fully completed yet), version of the module displayed in the "News tab"...

Rewards account :

  • New statistics tab in back-end
  • New option allowing to define the minimum by currency in order to be able to use the voucher generated from the rewards account.
  • Possibility to choose if the generated voucher is VAT included or VAT excluded.

Loyalty :

  • The loyalty reward displayed on the product page now automatically updates when you choose a combination
  • New option to choose if the reward will be calculated based on the order/products amount VAT included or VAT excluded
  • New statistics tab in back-end

Sponsorship :

  • New reward available for registration and not only for orders anymore. You can set an unlimited number of rules at the same time, for example give 1€ for each registration and a special 4€ bonus every 10 registrations (can be activated and customized independantly for each template !)
  • New option to choose if the reward will be calculated based on the order/products amount VAT included or VAT excluded
  • New option to select an existing voucher as a model for the gift offered to the sponsored friend. That allows more possibilities : gift product, restrictions on carriers or products... as the standart cart rules.
  • Possibility to customize the sponsor code for each customer in back-end (5 to 20 characters, only digits and/or letters)
  • New option to activate the sponsorship on the product page. It simply allows the sponsor to know the exact URL to share for that product, including his sponsorship code.
  • New option for the rediction of the sponsorship link. You can now choose to redirect to a CMS page (for example, to explain all the advantages of becoming a member on your shop).
  • The number of level for MLM sponsorship is now customizable per template.
  • The sponsor can add a custom message to the invitation email send to his friends
  • The sponsorship link is now displayed in the customer profile in back-end
  • The option to add a sponsor to an existing customer from the back-end is now using ajax search and doesn't display a huge dropdown list of customers anymore
  • The sponsorship popup is now responsive
  • OpenInviter system has been removed (it didn't work anymore)

Facebook :

  • Possibility to hide the facebook block/button once the customer has been rewarded.

Version 2.0.2 (2015/09/24) 

  • Various fixes (popup, calculation of the rewards with offered products in orders, adblock)

Version 2.0.1 (2015/06/10)

  • Various fixes (product page in admin, tynimce, mail for the sponsor, end date of the sponsorship with MLM)
  • Display has been improved for the sponsorship and authentication pages in front-end
  • Product offered thanks to a voucher won't give rewards anymore
  • When an order is modified from back-end (product quantity, product returned), rewards are now updated
  • New option for loyalty rewards allowing to display the reward in the PDF invoice

Version 2.0.0 (2014/10/29)

  • You can now create different templates for the settings of the module and link customers to those templates to customize the rules independantly per customer. For example, customer A can get 5% with loyalty while customer B is rewarded product per product with a multiplicator equal to 2. The sponsor A can get 5% on all the orders from his friends and the friends can get 10€ as a welcome voucher, while sponsor B get 3% and his friends 5€.
  • 2 new options for loyalty : reward as a percentage of the total of the cart, or reward product per product
  • Ability to give a default reward for all products (fixed amount or percentage of their price) and to apply a multiplicator if you want for example to double all the rewards in a given period without modifying all the products.
  • Ability to customize the rewards per product and per date directly from the product form in your back-end. For example, product A can give 5% during 15 days, then 1€ lifetime. Product B gives nothing.
  • Ability to limit the validity of the unused rewards in the rewards account (in days). They will be automatically canceled after that delay.
  • Ability to limit the validity of the sponsorship with a customer (in days). The sponsor won't be rewarded anymore for that customer after that delay.
  • Ability to deactivate loyalty or sponsorship per customer.
  • The sponsor code is now displayed in the customer profile in back-end.
  • You can now configurate the module from the "Quick Access" list in your back-end
  • All mails templates now looks like standart prestashop 1.6 mails

A demonstration site for the module "All-in-one Rewards" is available at :
User accounts : 
John Doe : / azertyuiop 
Jane Doe : / azertyuiop 
Chris MacDonald : / azertyuiop 
Mickael Kael : / azertyuiop 
Administration : 
Login : (or for spanish people)
Pass : demodemo 
This demonstration site is reset every 6 hours, so please don't hesitate to do your tests to understand all the options available in the module.
