Our module has been voted "Best module for customers loyalty" during Prestashop Awards in 2015, 2017, 2020 and 2022. It is in the top 10 bestsellers since more than 10 years.
This prestashop module allows your customers to earn rewards while developing SEO and reputation of your shop: advanced loyalty program, sponsorship program (multi-level, self-promotional), affiliation...
In addition, the rewards are all grouped into a single account!
Last version : 6.1.4
Compatibility : 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 8.x
Available translations :
A version compatible with Prestashop 1.2.5, 1.3.x, 1.4.x is also available. Please contact us if you are interested.
Get tons of new customers and increase your brand reputation thanks to the All-in-one Rewards module !
This prestashop module allows to set up a complete system of rewards in your shop to increase SEO and reputation thanks to the virality of the system, and to follow very precisely the performance.
More customers are talking about your site, more they earns in return.
No multiplication of coupons, no more multiple interfaces, now everything is centralized in a single account, the "Rewards Account", and the customer can check its balance at any time.
Specifically, the module now includes the single account system, an advanced loyalty program and a highly configurable sponsorship/affiliation program.
You can now customize almost all settings per customer. That means a customer can be rewarded with a percentage for loyalty while another one is rewarded product per product, or a sponsor can get 5% on all the orders of his friends and the friends get 10€ welcome voucher while another one get 3% and his friends get 5€.
Now let's see in details what it is inside. The list below is not exhaustive!
"Rewards Account"
How it works : the customer get rewards for its actions on the site (purchases, sponsorships ...), and rewards accumulates in the rewards account. When desired, he can use its reward to buy products or get a discount on his next order, depending on the settings of the module.
If you're using the system for affiliation, the customers can decide to transform the rewards into a real payment instead of a voucher.
Main features :
Loyalty program
How it works : The customer get a reward based on the total price of his purchases (shipping and coupons deducted). The amount of the reward is displayed in the product page and in the cart summary. There is 3 possibilities for the calculation of the reward.
Example 1 : Every 10€ spent on the shop, the customer get 1€
For a product which price is 58€, the client will get 5€ reward.
For a product which price is 8€, the customer will not get a reward.
Example 2 : The reward is 5% of the total
For a product which price is 58€, the client will get 2,9€ reward.
Example 3 : Product A which price is 100€ gives 2% reward. Product B gives 1€. Product C gives no reward.
For an order containing 1 product A + 1 product B + 1 product C, the client will get 3€ rewards.
Main features :
Sponsorship program / Affiliation
How it works : The customer invites his friends to discover the shop. They register on the shop and possibly receive a coupon valid on their first purchase. When placing an order on the site that it is validated, the sponsor will receive his reward. Sponsorship on several levels is possible, and a reward may be awarded for all purchases of referrals, not just the first one.
The sponsor can also be rewarded independantly for the subscription of his friends.
Main features :
Registration reward
How it works : Encourage your customers to create an account by offering them a reward that they will receive immediately in their rewards account.
Main features :
Newsletter sign-up reward
How it works : Encourage your customers to subscribe to your newsletter by offering them a reward that they will receive immediately in their rewards account.
Main features :
Additional features
And in future releases
And it works... !
15000€ in only 2 months for www.vapoclope.fr : View the comment on the forum
2000€ in only 1 month for www.madin-beauty.com : View the comment on the forum
674926€ in 1 year : View the comment on the forum
Stay informed, follow us !
To be informed of developments, you can follow the discussion on the prestashop forum : All-in-one Rewards, on Facebook, or on Twitter
Version 6.1.4 (2025/01/15)
Version 6.1.3 (2024/05/22)
Version 6.1.2 (2024/01/19)
Version 6.1.1 (2023/11/07)
Version 6.1.0 (2023/08/31)
Version 6.0.0 (2023/03/16)
Version 5.2.0 (2021/09/15)
Version 5.1.0 (2021/12/29)
Version 5.0.1 (2021/03/31)
Version 5.0.0 (2021/01/12)
New features : General
- The module is compatible with Prestashop 1.7.7.x
- You need to register your license (order reference) to be able to use/activate the module. 1 license is valid for 1 domain (dev shops are allowed but require to be validated too)
- Mails are now using the "Modern" style (Prestashop 1.7.x)
- The product rewards (loyalty / sponsorship) can now be customized by TEMPLATE (so you can give a different reward for the same product to different customers)
- You can modify the expiration date on each reward from the customer profile in admin
- You can now link the customer groups to the templates of settings, so if you add a customer to a customer group, he will be automatically added to the template at the same time
- Better display for the loyalty text / facebook text in the product page and the cart summary
- All popups used by the module in front-end are now using a better display (fancybox)
- New "Tools" tab in admin, allowing to completely delete all data from the module (but not the configuration !). So if you need a reset after some tests, just try it.
New features : Rewards account
- You can convert the rewards into a voucher from the customer profile in admin, and choose the amount to use
- You can set a multiplier for the minimum order value, based on the voucher value generated from the rewards account (for example, if you have 10€ rewards in your account, and the multiplier is set to 3, then the minimum required will be 30€)
- You can now choose 3 ways to convert the rewards into vouchers : convert the total available (you can set a maximum), let the customer choose how much to convert (you can set a maximum), or display a dropdown list of predefined values
- You can now suggest your customer to use their rewards by displaying a text with a link to the rewards account into the cart summary
- You can have a cart containing only gift products with Prestashop 1.7.x
- You can set a specific price to pay with the rewards when buying a product as a gift product. This price can be different from the normal product price
- Gift products set as "Can't be bought normally" are now really impossible to add to the cart if they are not bought as gift products
New features : Sponsorship program
- You can modify the customer groups of the sponsored friend on registration
- The welcome voucher offered to the sponsored friend can now be automatically added to his cart on 1st purchase instead of sending it by email.
- In the "Sponsorship program" page, the preview of the mail now includes the custom text entered by the sponsor
- If a wrong sponsor code/email is entered in the registration form, the form can't be submitted
New features : Loyalty program
- The loyalty text on the product page now takes in account the "quantity" field. If you update the quantity, the text is updated
- You can limit the maximum reward given for each order
- You can now include or exclude the vouchers applied to the cart from the total used to calculate the reward (before, it was always deducted)
- You can choose to display/hide the loyalty text in the product page and in the cart summary
- The loyalty text displayed in the cart summary is now updated when the cart is modified
- Registration process has been improved for shops using the multistore feature
- CRON is now working correctly with Prestashop higher than 1.7.6
- CRON url is now using https if the shop is using https
- Display for customer profile in admin has been improved
- Responsive display for the front-end has been improved
- Loyalty message in the product page has been improved
- If an order uses a voucher that offer at the same time a discount and free shipping, the reward calculation was wrong
- Decreasing prices are now considered as promotions to calculate the rewards
- Some statistics values was wrong
- Access to the rewards account page in the customer account is allowed if the customer has some rewards history, even if he is not allowed to use loyalty or sponsorship anymore
- The "share" link for a product in sponsorship is now visible only if the sponsor has made the required number of orders.
- The option displayed in "My rewards account" page in front-end allowing to disable the reminder email is not visible anymore if the global option in admin is not activated
- Global improvement for the gift products feature
- Various minor issues
Version 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 (2020/01/07-09)
Version 4.1.5 (2019/04/08)
Version 4.1.4 (2018/09/11)
Version 4.1.3 (2018/05/24)
Version 4.1.2 (2017/11/22)
Version 4.1.1 (2017/05/31)
Version 4.1.0 (2017/05/10)
Version 4.0.1 (2017/05/10)
Version 4.0.0 (2016/12/26)
Version 3.0.2 (2016/09/01)
Version 3.0.1 (2016/04/20)
Version 3.0.0 (2015/12/06)
Core of the module :
Rewards account :
Loyalty :
Sponsorship :
Facebook :
Version 2.0.2 (2015/09/24)
Version 2.0.1 (2015/06/10)
Version 2.0.0 (2014/10/29)
A demonstration site for the module "All-in-one Rewards" is available at : http://demo.prestaplugins.com
User accounts :
John Doe : john@demo.com / azertyuiop
Jane Doe : jane@demo.com / azertyuiop
Chris MacDonald : chris@demo.com / azertyuiop
Mickael Kael : mickael@demo.com / azertyuiop
Administration : http://demo.prestaplugins.com/admindemo/
Login : demo@demo.com (or demo@demo.es for spanish people)
Pass : demodemo
This demonstration site is reset every 6 hours, so please don't hesitate to do your tests to understand all the options available in the module.